With the introduction of new technology shaping the way production processes are carried out, the manufacturing sector is rapidly changing. As with updates to any sector, this creates a shift in the skills desired by employers, and, in this case, the manufacturing industry of the future is thus set to require new technological knowledge from its employees.

At NA College, we’re committed to providing learners with the skills and knowledge needed by employers both now and in future. Utilising our simulated work environments, we allow learners to practise real life skills in order to fully prepare them for the reality of their chosen sector whilst developing competitive candidates for tomorrow’s workforce.

We’re proud to be working with the High Value Manufacturing Catapult to design two brand new qualifications which cater to employers’ future needs. Using our state-of-the-art facilities, our learners will gain a deep understanding of how manufacturing processes are changing, enabling them to practise with new technology to advance their skills and retain engagement.

Aiding accessibility to learning content, our experienced tutors have worked to create detailed, clear digital content to explain learning processes from start to finish with an easy to follow commentary. This experience works to engage learners whilst broadening their knowledge in new and creative ways.